San Diego HERS Testing
San Diego HERS Testing has opened its San Diego office.
Our team is here to provide you with fast and accurate services. Our Energy Analysts will model your project and perform the Title24 calculations, then generate a passing CF1R and electronically register your project. Our HERS Raters perform the required HERS testing and verification, then complete and electronically register the various forms for your construction or HVAC project.
San Diego HERS Testing performs onsite inspections and diagnostic tests. Once your project passes these tests, San Diego HERS Testing will electronically file your HERS verification paperwork. We also provide you a copy of the completed forms. You must present the completed forms at the final building inspection with your city or county building department.
What is HERS?
HERS stands for Home Energy Rating System. This program was developed to address the energy efficiency issues caused by poor construction quality.
What is a HERS test?
HERS tests are specialized tests to determine the efficiency of energy consuming components within a building. The testing includes the heating and air conditioning equipment, duct work and the quality of building insulation. Most residential projects require duct leakage, minimum air flow, fan watt draw and refrigerant charge tests.
When is a HERS Test Required?
HERS tests are required for new homes or additions greater than 1,000 square feet. HERS testing is also required any time a component of a central heating and air conditioning system is replaced or when new central heating and air conditioning equipment is installed. Since 2010, contractors must register all HERS tests required on a project to obtain a building permit.